The host has the option to edit these in the lobby. Multiple features such as start round, timed gamplay, zombie counter, etc. Shi no Numa has Japanese CoD WWII wallbuys in place of where Treyarch added wallbuys in Black Ops III. Nacht der Untoten voice lines disabled.

Marine Raider characters added for Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt. Its Pack a Punch version is able to chain up to 24 zombies, just like World at War. Extra features will be added in updates. The fly trap is reverted to its Der Riese version in all respects except for reward. Characters have their Der Riese voice lines, including specific cases such as viewing the Pack a Punch machine or entering a teleporter area for the first time. Much of the ambient sounds unique to Der Riese have been restored, including the symbolic clock ticking and the air raid sirens. Extra features will be added in updates, including visual wallbuy changes and "special" Pack a Punch functionality. Please report weapons that do not inspect to the bugs list discussion at the bottom of this post. Unfortunately, this does not extend to all weapons, due to game limitations. Many of these weapons include Weapon Kit functionality. One example of such changes is that the Wunderwaffe DG-2 should behave much more closely to its World at War version (without the Juggernog bug of course!)

The First Cycle is a mod which adds CoD: World War II weapons and revamps both The Giant and the World at War remastered maps to "the first cycle", whilst preserving certain enjoyed new additions. If you enjoy playing the mod, please consider upvoting it to show your support! We appreciate the recognition, and it also allows your fans to find the mod to play themselves - it only takes a minute of your time, so why not? We request that you provide a link to the mod's workshop page as a form of credit.
No promises, but there may come a day some point in the future where I'll put out one final update for this mod, a big one. Future development of the mod has been put on hold until further notice - I am currently prioritising other projects but will eventually come back to this one.